AUTHORS: All games programmed by Kenneth Pedersen. "Treasure Hunt in the Amazon" originally written by Niels Søndergaard in Danish in BASIC but ported, translated, improved and submitted to IFComp with permission. COPYRIGHT: Games can be freely distributed but not modified without consent by Kenneth Pedersen. CONTENT WARNINGS: A few of the included games are quite violent, primarily "Land of The Mountain King" and "The Dragon Diamond" in various versions whereas "The Way Home" also includes some death. PLAYING: Taf-files and blorb-files require an interpreter to run. Works best with Adrift 5 Runner on Windows but can also be played with Frankendrift on Mac, Linux and Windows and usually with Fabularium on Android. Windows executables exist for some of the games but are not included here, as they tend to trigger false virus warnings also known as "false positives". INCLUDED GAMES: * A Difficult Puzzle (Adrift 5 game, limited parser) * Beginners Cave (Adrift 5 port of the game by xxxx which is also in the public domain) * Grandma's Flying Saucer (Adrift 5 game) * Grandpa's Ranch (Adrift 5 game) * Land of the Mountain King (Adrift 5 game) * Museum Heist (Adrift 5 game) * Standing on the Shoulders of Giants (gblorb) * Standing on the Shoulders of Giants (Inform souce code) * Stone of Wisdom (Adrift 5 game) * The Dragon Diamond (Inform .ulx version) * The Dragon Diamond (ADRIFT 5 version) * The Dragon Diamond (C64-version) * The Dragon Diamond (Inform source code) * The Royal Puzzle (Adrift 5 game) * The Tartarus Project (Adrift 5 game) * The Way Home (Adrift 5 game) * Treasure Hunt in the Amazon (Adrift 5 game, remake of a Danish game by Niels Søndergaard) * Tribute: Return to the City of Secrets (Adrift 5 game) * WWII Elevator Escape (Adrift 5 game)